C++ Code for percentage calculator

Introduction to Percentage Calculation

Calculating percentages is a common task in various fields such as finance, mathematics, and data analysis. In C++, we can develop a simple yet effective percentage calculator program that takes two input values: the total value and the percentage, and then computes the resulting percentage value.

Setting Up the Program Structure

Before diving into the code, let's outline the structure of our percentage calculator program:

Title of code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
    double ob, tm;

    cout<<"Enter obtained Marks: ";

    cout<<"Enter total Marks: ";

    double per=ob/tm*100;

    cout<<"Your Percentage is: "<<per <<" %"<<endl;

    if (per>100){
        cout<<"Incorrect ob marks"<<endl;
    else if (per>=80) {
        cout<<"Grade:  A1"<<endl;
    else  if (per>=70) {
        cout<<"Grade: A "<<endl;
    else   if (per>=60) {
        cout<<"Grade: B"<<endl;
    else  if (per>=50) {
        cout<<"Grade: C"<<endl;
    else if (per<=50) {
        cout<<"Grade: D"<<endl;
    return 0;


Prompt the user to enter the total value and the percentage.


Calculate the percentage value using the formula: percentage = (percentage / 100) * total_value.


Display the calculated percentage value to the user.

Implementing the Percentage Calculator in C++

Now, let's write the C++ code for our percentage calculator following the outlined structure:

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